Boost Programmatic Advertising Revenue
ensuring maximum ROI and campaign effectiveness.

Prebid Product Suite
A free and open source suite of products designed to enable publishers to implement header bidding on their websites and from within their apps.
Click here to check GlobalSun Prebid Documentation
Click here to check GlobalSun Prebid Documentation
Click here to check GlobalSun Prebid Documentation
Click here to check GlobalSun Prebid Documentation
Click here to check GlobalSun Prebid Documentation

Ad Formats
Prebid works everywhere
Prebid isn’t just for banner ads on the web. Publishers, mobile app developers, and even TV programmers and distributors are using Prebid to boost their programmatic advertising revenue.
A native ad is made up of assets such as a title, description, image URL, that are plugged into a publisher-defined HTML template.
Instream ads are for short-form video content within a player generally has simple video ad requirements, where ‘Outstream’ ads are packaged with a separate player, or the publisher provides a special player for them.
The AMP Project speeds up web pages on mobile devices, but also restricts header bidding wrappers like Prebid.js. Instead, AMP supports a method of header bidding called Real Time Configuration(RTC), which is implemented by Prebid Server.